January 28, 2009

My parents just don't understand!

Dear Angie,

My parents are driving me nuts. They want me to eat dinner and watch TV with them every night.

Whenever I make other plans, they get upset. I feel bad about it, but I’m 22 and I like to spend time with my boyfriend and friends!

How can I live my life without feeling like I’m letting them down?

Signed, It’s time to cut the strings

Dear Stringer,

You’re 22 and still living at home? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there are strings attached.

In fact, I can’t believe I even have to tell you that.

Look. Your parents are lonely – and they love you. You’re still their little girl, especially since they’re putting a roof over your head and food in your little tummy. Cut them some slack.

For starters, let your parents know when you have plans, so they’re not disappointed when your place setting goes untouched.

Bottom line: You’re going to have to find a balance between family and your “life,” as you put it. Make it a point to spend time with your parents – maybe two or three nights a week.

It won’t kill you, although it might not make you stronger, either. It might just make you crazy. But hey, what doesn’t?