April 27, 2009

Cut it short already!

Dear Angie,

I need help. For the second time this year, my next door neighbor has mowed my lawn. He does his grass then does mine. I usually pay a kid to mow the lawn but my neighbor likes it to be super short, and he doesn’t want mine to detract from how good his looks, I guess. It’s kind of embarrassing. What should I do?

Signed, Good Neighbor

Dear Mediocre Neighbor,

I think your neighbor is trying to tell you something. The first time this happened should have been enough of a hint. Try following this game plan…thank your neighbor, then take him a Bundt cake (everybody likes Bundt cake).

Next, get a hold of the kid who cuts your grass. Tell him to get off his ass and cut your lawn once a week. It might cost you a few extra bucks, but isn’t it worth it to be able to leave the house without the cover of darkness, for fear of embarrassment?

Good luck, Angie