January 30, 2009

My Mother is on MySpace!

Dear Angie,

My mom has a MySpace page. I found it because she forgot to log out when she got off the computer. She has a bunch of friends I don’t know and, from the looks of it, she’s got a whole other life going on.

I’m really torn about what to do. I’m worried that she’ll feel like I violated her privacy or something. Is it even my business? What can I say?

Signed, Mommy Needs Net Nanny

Dear MySpace Monitor,

Hmmm…is it your business? That’s tough. I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

I understand that you feel creeped out by your mother’s “dark side.” I’m a little creeped out, too.

I’m not sure how your mother will react if you approach her about her extracurricular activities. It will depend, in large part, on your attitude.

If you express your concerns in a way that does not come across as judgmental or disrespectful, hopefully she will be receptive.

Of course, if her MySpace page is replete with booty shots and inappropriate comments, that’s a different story.

In that case, I hope you’re able to move out soon and forget you ever saw this horrendous display.

Back to your first question. Is it your business? Not really. But it doesn’t make it any less repulsive.