Dear Angie,
My girlfriend is always on her laptop, even when we’re watching TV! She is obsessed with e-mail and Facebook.
She doesn’t hide it from me, so I don’t think she’s doing anything “wrong.” But I want her to want to spend time with me, not the computer. How can I get her to put me first?
Signed, Ticked over the Technology
Dear Tick,
The Internet sure can be addicting. Trust me.
I’m on my laptop while watching TV right this minute. The only thing that could make this better is if I were texting someone at the same time.
There are a few things you could do.
You could tell your girlfriend exactly what you’ve told me and see if she comes around.
If that doesn’t work, try taking a picture of your naughty bits and e-mail it to her.
If all else fails, get yourself a laptop and your own Facebook account. And, don’t forget to download AIM so you two can IM each other from across the room.
Love, Angie