February 9, 2009

Give me Felix Unger!

Dear Angie,

The woman in the cubicle next to me is making me crazy. All winter long, she sniffs constantly. And, I don’t mean little baby-like sniffles. I'm talking long, deep snorts. It’s an eight-hour dramatization of The Odd Couple, although I think I’d prefer that guy.

How can I address this without being rude?

Signed, I Need a New Cubicle

Dear Oscar,

I don’t know how effective any of my advice will be. After all, it seems like this should be a no-brainer and, yet, here we are.

For starters, you could keep an extra box of tissues at your desk. Once she starts with her sinus-clearing routine, offer it to her and say something like, “It sounds like you need these more than I do.” Then giggle and maybe throw in a wink.

If that doesn’t work, you might want to consider telling your officemates about this miracle decongestant you’ve found. Go on and on about how it clears you up in no time and make sure you wink at the guilty party.

If none of this works, try to stay patient until spring rolls around. Be grateful you have a job and consider your congested cubicle companion a small price to pay for it.

Love, Angie