February 11, 2009

As long as you're not Grumpy...

Dear Angie,

While visiting friends in Minnesota, I slipped on the ice and broke my ankle in two places. I had two pins put in my ankle. I’m on several medications to ease the pain.

The problem is, I’m on so much medication that I feel like I’m in a daze. I’m kinda dopey most of the time and I always have the munchies. My favorite thing to do is sleep. What should I do?

Signed, Dopey wants to be Doc

Dear Sleepy,

I’m not sure I understand your question.

What should you do about what? Being doped up all the time and eating Doritos and cookies? Don’t let me forget the part where you take naps all day long.

This doesn’t sound like a problem. You have a legitimate medical problem and you’re taking what’s been prescribed. The rest is just a perk.

Go with it.

Love, Angie