March 19, 2009

Forget the Aspirin...She Needs an Aphrodisiac!

Dear Angie,

I don't know what to do. My wife is constantly sick. She turns me down for sex all the time, because she has a headache or back pain or cramps or something.

I don't think she's faking. But I still have needs! We've only had sex once in the last month. What can I do?

Signed, Desperate Dave

Dear Dave,

It sounds like your wife is one sick puppy. If she isn't faking, as you believe, then I suggest you be a supportive and doting husband and suffer through it. After all, she is your wife, and she needs you.

If she is faking, however, then I gotta give it to the gal. She must be the next Meryl Streep.

Either way, the only thing I can recommend is taking matters into your own hands, so to speak. There really is no other option.

After all, a few moments of satisfaction isn't worth the guilt, betrayal, and heartache that infidelity bring.

Good luck, Angie